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FPBC Mission & Vision Statements Get an Upgrade

Linda Smith

Did you know that almost all organizations have a vision and mission statement? The vision statement is a declaration of what that organization is anticipating will or may come to be. The mission statement is an official statement that sets the goals, purpose, and work of that organization.

Over the years, these organizations will review their statements and possibly even revise the statements. These revisions usually clarify the vision and tell an even better story about the goals and purpose.

FPBC recently reviewed our vision & mission statements. After review, we decided it was time to upgrade both. Below are our new statements and a commentary on them.

Vision: Creating a community where every family has a home and a future of promise. FPBC sees Butler County as a community where every child and their family, that is experiencing homelessness, will have the opportunity to have a place to call home and a future that is promising.

Mission: To empower families, who are experiencing homelessness, to build a sustainable foundation of independence through a continuum of support services. Here at FPBC, we are providing our families with more than just shelter and meals. We are working with each family to regain their independence, with a unique family-based approach of support that includes financial literacy, good tenancy, workforce skills, and childhood development, and those supports will continue after graduation from the shelter. By building this sustainable foundation, families can then move forward to a future that is promising. Our host volunteers are an integral part of this mission too.

FPBC is always looking for new and fresh ideas to serve our families and to help them become independent. Our new vision/mission statements help to strengthen our work goals and clearly state what we believe can be achieved in Butler County.

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